Home Staging Tips On a Limited Budget

(Newly renovated 1123 Kimball Street in Bella Vista)

When some people hear the term “home staging”, they tend to think this process is only for those who have luxury homes to put on the market. However, home staging isn’t just for the rich and famous—or for female homemakers. Making your home as presentable as possible can help to increase the amount of bids on the home, and help to get your house off the market quicker.

Clear up the clutter

Home staging experts recommend cleaning your home thoroughly and getting rid of clutter before inviting potential buyers over for an Open House.  Homeowners are selling the actual space, not their furniture or home accessories. It’s important for each room in the home to be free of excessive chairs, beds, vases or artwork—so that buyers can imagine their own items in the space.

Most homes sell in the spring or summer

Experts offers home staging advice that will help men to sell their homes, and shares that men should start preparing their houses for purchase in the winter. Why? Because most homes sell in the spring—this means that most of the residence transfers in neighborhoods usually take place in June and July. It can take up to 60 days to complete a home sale, so if a buyers purchases the house in April or May.

Add a fresh coat of paint

Adding a fresh coat of paint to the walls, as well as painting the outside of the home, will make a big difference when it comes to making your home look newer and more appealing. A home that looks older and drab will give the indication that the residence will cost too much to fix up, and many potential buyers will overlook the house when they’re ready to narrow down their prospects.

Painting the walls in neutral colors that are subtle but still eye-catching, instead of plain white walls. Beige tones from popular paint companies like Sherwin Williams will make the home appear warm and welcoming.

Curb appeal helps sell a home

Curb appeal is also a most when it comes to home staging. A freshly cut lawn, colorful flowers in the  yard, and neatly manicured trees will give buyers a great first impression. This is especially important if buyers are looking at the home on the Internet first. It’s also best to start getting rid of any of the items that you don’t use anymore.

Going through each room of the home and honestly determining what should be given to charity and what needs to be thrown away is imperative before buyers come to visit. Taking small appliances like can openers and toasters off the kitchen counters and making sure there aren’t multiple toiletries in the shower will also help to reduce clutter.




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