Join Mike McCann in Making a Difference. Ride for MDA!







Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I need your help! I’ve signed up to help MDA, the world’s leading nonprofit health organization sponsoring research seeking the causes of and effective treatments for neuromuscular diseases. The event takes place on 05/04, but my fundraising begins today.  Join me in providing help and hope for families living with neuromuscular disease.

If you can, make a secure, online donation before 05/04 by mailing in a check to the address below or CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW. I know there are many different events out there, but I chose MDA’s BECAUSE it provides more comprehensive services to families with muscle diseases than any other organization. I especially like that the money we raise impacts families locally in our community.

To mail in a donation, make all checks payable to the Muscular Dystrophy Association and please put my name in the Memo field.

Mail to: Michael McCann
530 Walnut Street, Suite 260
Philadelphia, PA  19106

I’m really excited about this project and I would love your support! I promise to keep you posted on our progress as the days go by!


All the best,
Mike McCann


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