Pro Tips for Selling Your Home from the Mike McCann Team

All of us at the Mike McCann Team understand how the process of selling your home can feel somewhat daunting and stressful, especially when it’s your first time putting a property on the market. Fortunately, you have us here to help you move past this fear – we’re going to provide you with some of our best tips and tricks on how to make selling your home as stress-free as possible. If you just follow these pro tips from the Mike McCann Team Agents, we’re positive that your selling process will go as smoothly as possible.

Stuart Cohen

“I always tell sellers to talk with their agent to ensure that they’re pricing their home correctly and to always leave the house spotless!”


Daniel Evenchen

“This may sound a little harsh, but I always tell my clients to try to make their home less personal by removing family pictures and portraits – we’ve found that people have a harder time visualizing themselves in a new home if there are another family’s pictures scattered about. Additionally, de-cluttering the house is imperative. By reducing clutter, your home feels much more spacious and inviting and this leaves a better impression on potential buyers.”


Paul Chin

“These days, almost all buyers are looking at homes online before calling a realtor, so you need to make sure that your house is photogenic!  The photos of your home may be the difference of whether buyers bypass the property entirely or feel compelled to see it immediately.”


Margo Weil

“It’s essential for the sellers to keep their homes clean and neat. If there is a lingering smell of pets, do your best to locate it and eradicate it as thoroughly as possible. Buyers buy on emotion and their five senses, so a smell will trigger either a good or bad emotion.

Sellers also tend to forget about their windows – keep them clean! It will bring in more light and make everything seem brighter.”


Richard A. Fravel, Jr.

“Most buyers are touring your home from their laptops, so make certain that your home’s online presence is absolutely amazing from day one.”


Melissa Valenti

“Always work with your first offer – it is often your best one!”


Bibe Chin

“Price it right the first time for a faster and smoother selling experience – there is no reason to aim for the moon. All buyers and, of course, their agents are good at comparing products, so don’t waste your time or theirs with unreasonable pricing.”


Lauren Acker

“The day that your home gets professionally photographed is the day that it should look its absolute best! It should be clean, staged, and clutter-free. Buyers start their search online, so we want to make sure your house is seen in the best light possible!

Curb appeal is also very important; the outside of your home should be clean and well-maintained. Adding flowers or a garden is always a big plus! It’s not that it isn’t extremely important for the house to look great for showings as well, but if the photos aren’t fantastic, we won’t get the buyers through the door.”


Jim Onesti

“My best advice for people who are looking to sell is that you should list your home now! This is the best seller’s market that I have seen in 16 years – now is the time!”


Ame Goldman

“The first thing that I always stress to my clients is the importance of patience.  It doesn’t matter which phase of your transaction you are in – patience is paramount!

I also emphasize that it is the location that brings a buyer to your door, but it is the price that keeps them there.  Do your research and know what your home may be worth.  A knowledgeable agent will be able to confirm what your home can command in the market.”


Lynda Krevitz

“When you’re setting your house up for showings, you should look it as if you were the buyers coming through the house for the first time. Taking in their perspective will help you to give your home the best first impression possible.”


Mike McCann

“Most of the time buyers make their decision walking up to the property and opening the front door. This means that you need to make sure it has great curb appeal! Be sure that your front door is painted as well as the window trim. It’s even better to add flowers, landscaped shrubbery, or flower boxes. Do anything that you can to improve your home’s visual first impression.

When you open the front door, there should be good lighting, clean floors, and zero clutter.

Also, cleaning windows makes a huge impact!”


Ryan McCann

“Step 1 – Hire a Mccann team agent. Step 2 – Sit back and relax.”

(There is always one funny guy.)


Now you’re REALLY ready to get started! We hope that these tips help you feel more confident and self-assured as you enter into this important transaction. Don’t forget to keep them in mind as you begin your real estate journey, and, if you really want some peace of mind, have a qualified and dedicated agent from our passionate team by your side to guide you through the real estate market.

Moving? Know the value of your home …