Faaizah A-Q

Dear Mike, I rented from you when I was in college on Spruce with the parking space on the side. I was broke back then and wanted to tell you that you were an awesome landlord. My agent asked if it would be possible for you to give me a break on the rent, because I was putting myself through college. Now, as an adult, whose ‘made it’ and living halfway across the world (in Dubai) – I realize how easy it was for you to say no and how easily you could have rented to someone else. I realize how caring you were when you installed an alarm/bars the day after I mentioned a prowler to you. I’m writing this to say thank you. Really and sincerely. Have thought of you many times throughout the years and was super happy to find you on Facebook. You taught me the etiquette of being an amazing landlord and now, as I rent out properties of my own: I always think of you and how you would manage certain situations. Warmest regards, across the oceans and if you are ever in Dubai, that you will know you have a friend here.

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