
I just can’t believe that all these clients have given Daniel 5 stars. I mean he only shoots about 67% from the foul line, 2 steals per game, and like 4 assists (dare I rub in 1 rebound/2 games???. I mean, that’s still pretty good for his size). Ohhhhhh, you’re telling me it’s his rating as a REALTOR! Shoot!!! (already covered that). Well, that’s a different ball game, sport and rating system. Now I wonder why they only gave him 5 FIVE stars!!! In realty and reality, he deserves 10 stars/5, because of extra credit, and I’m not saying he paid me, or owes me. I’m saying that before Daniel was even engaged (not to his wife) in selling my building, he did all this prep work. He advised me on how I could divide the building (5500 Sq Ft). He found out if my building had two addresses, was 2 lots. He offered to verify whether an offer that I got was legitimate (it wasn’t), assuring me that I was under no obligation to contract him. I knew it was reverse psychology, but I took the bait anyway. It did not hurt that he sold my girlfriend’s house in Society Hill and then brokered her new house in Queen Village. She adored all he did

Moving? Know the value of your home …