The ABC’s of Philadelphia School Districts

Colorful Chalk at Chalkboard ca. 2001

It goes without saying that education is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our youth and to our city.  So, if you’re in the market for a home and thinking about starting a family, picking a school district might be as important as picking the home.  After all, it’s been said that your home is simply the means to building a strong family.  With that in mind, we wanted to provide a brief overview of just some of the fantastic school districts that our lovely city has to offer.

Meredith School District, 19147
Located at 5th and Fitzwater Streets in Queen Village, this school prides itself in their motto, “Where everyone is a star.”  With a school population of 530 students in kindergarten through eighth grade, a multi-racial and multicultural population, and 20% of the student body being mentally gifted, it’s without a doubt that they live by it.

Some of the most exceptional features of the Meredith School district include the following:

  • Remedial reading and math classes which address IEP needs are taught by their special education teachers
  • Committed counselors who provide support services to  students, parents and teachers
  • Instrumental music, Career Day, Science Fair, Student Council, math contests, academic support clubs, athletic clubs, art club, vocal ensemble, concert choir, dance ensembles and Broadway style shows are just some of the special programs offered


Masterman School District, 19130

Located at the corner of 17th and Spring Garden Streets near the Art Museum Area, this school is home to 1,150 students, in grades 5 through 12.  It is said to be “the most highly ranked school in theSchool District of Philadelphia and scores at the highest level on the Pennsylvania System of Statewide Assessment.  Masterman combines the best aspects of a small, selective school with the more diverse curriculum and activities of a larger school.”

“Dare to be different,” their resounding motto, is exemplified by many of their programs and features, such as:

  • A wide spectrum of co-educational, interscholastic sports on both the varsity and junior varsity level: basketball, cross-country, soccer, tennis, track and volleyball and participates on unified teams with other schools in gymnastics and swimming
  • Co-curricular activities including musical ensembles, choir, and other vocal ensembles, student government, dramatics, yearbook, newspaper, an award winning literary magazine, a nationally-ranked chess team, a championship mock trial team, competition in academic contests, science fairs, and clubs
  • A diverse faculty and staff that provide education and inspiration to each and every student
  • Peer mentors and tutors, multi-cultural programs, and big brother/sister programs


C.W. Henry School District, 19119

Located in Mount Airy at 601 Carpenter Lane, this school rests in a neighborhood that is synonymous with racial diversity and harmony. With grades K through 8, they work together to eliminate the achievement gap by providing “rigorous skill development in core subject areas and through enrichment opportunities.”  C.W. Henry embodies the values of teaching by bringing cultural enrichment to their core, day to day lessons.

A few programs and attributes that they have been noted for are:

  • The Coalition of Essential Schools principles leads the school and require students to “demonstrate mastery through exhibition” and “emphasize depth over breadth.”
  • Their safety patrol program, practiced beginning at grade 3, provides safety and structure to students, as well as builds a sense of responsibility, accountability, and awareness.
  • C.W. Henry has a very active Parent Teacher Association, meeting the third Tuesday of every month, allowing and encouraging parents to be more involved in their child’s classroom life.


If you are looking for a home within any of these school districts, contact the Mike McCann Team today, and we’ll personally send you a list of the many homes now on the market that fit these zones.  To access more info on some of the schools and school districts offered in Philadelphia, visit



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