The Avenue of the Arts is a city designated arts-based cultural district on a segment of Broad Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that includes many of the city’s cultural institutions, most notably the theater district south of City Hall. The Avenue of the Arts is the locale for many of the city’s large theatres. Philadelphia International Records’ offices and gift shop is also located along this strip. Just south of the strip is the Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts, and on Broad Street in this vicinity, just north of City Hall, is the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, which, founded in 1805, is America’s oldest art school and museum and boasts a distinguished collection of American art.
Percentage change from latest quarter vs same time period previous year
Data compiled using 2nd quarter 2024 data vs. same period from 2023
Population by Age Level. Median Age 37.18. Households: 1,581.
In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $102,162)
Population by Education Level
Fair Market Rents